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Hope development hasn't completely stalled, looks promising.


loved the art, hope to see more

has development for this been dropped or somethin?

No, but progress has been a lot slower than we'd like. Knowing there are people still awaiting an update is great motivation, though! We're hoping to release an update by August.


glad to hear. just make sure you don't try to rush development too hard, it generally leads to a sloppy mess than a good product. at least i know from experience, although not in the game development section. hope your having a stress free day, cheers. ( i suck at ending conversations)

(1 edit) (+1)

this is such an amazing game. love the story. can't wait for the continuation

p.s. : the save data loading is a bit bugged since sometimes it doesn't work

Thank you for playing the demo! And yes, we're aware. The engine we used was the only one any of us had experience with, but it proved very limiting and buggy. We are currently working on switching to a more stable game engine.


Mmm femboy dragon maid~❤️


rare to see a VN i like, nice stuff! i'd be interested to see development continued